Episode 188
Fight, Flee or Forgive? | Craig Deall
Zimbabwe in the noughties…How do you respond when a crazy gang shows up to steal your beautiful farm, sanctioned by the authorities? Craig and his wife joined hands and prayed with them. It’s an amazing story of personal disaster and redemption as the painful loss of his lifework released him to spearhead a movement impacting tens of thousands of farmers across multiple nations in Africa through Foundations for Farming.
Check out foundationsforfarmingsa.co.za
Contact Craig at Craig[@]foundationsforfarming.org
A stunning example of a life changed through Foundations for Farming: https://youtu.be/9AFUkR0wU5A
Ben Freeth’s inspirational story is also caught on a podcast with me here: https://inspired.captivate.fm/episode/fighting-for-justice-ben-freeth
Donna Bloomfield’s podcast on doing Foundations for Farming in Burundi can be listened to here: https://inspired.captivate.fm/episode/donna-bloomfield
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For more from Simon, visit: simonguillebaud.com
Produced by Great Lakes Outreach - Transforming Burundi & Beyond: greatlakesoutreach.org